For this tut you will need a tube of choice.
I'm using the fabulous work of Keith Garvey and you can get all his tubes at PTE.
You will need 2 fonts of choice.
You can get a ton of FTU fonts at DaFont. I used a ding font for part of this tut called LP Snowflake.
Also, Alien Skin-Xenofex2-Constellation.
Also, Mura's Copies
Eyecandy 4000-Gradient Glow.
That's it and this is another easy one!!
Open a new image 600x300 and also 150x150.
Use the dropper and grab a color from your tube and fill.
Use the ding font and select a snowflake and convert to rater image.
Open the Mura's copies-**Wall paper. (It's in the preset part of the plug-in.)
Use the preset shape tool and draw out a rectangle of the full length of the tag.
Convert to a raster layer-adjust-noise-uniform-6%.
Add another layer and on the left said type in NAUGHTY and on the other side add NICE-convert to rater layer-add slight drop shadow.
Paste your tube and don't forget to add a drop shadow.
Add a white gradient glow and a drop shadow.
Add your final layer and add your border.
Selections-All-Modify-Boders-6-Both Sides.
Fill the outer with a color from the tube-adjust-noise-25%-uniform.
Add your copyright-license number-person receiving the tag.
Lets animate!!!
Take your majik wand and click on the white fur of the tubes hat and collar.
Open the constellation plug-in and play around with the settings.
Copy-paste as new image in your animation shop.
Go back and do the same step again.
Copy-paste before current.
Do the first step again until you have 3 frames total.
View your animation and your done.
Go to the 150x150 image-fill with color from tube.
Add tube and resize tube to fit image.
Add a white gradient glow and a drop shadow.
Selections-modify-borders-6-both sides.
Add copyright and license number.
Do the same animation as above or keep as non animated and your done!!
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