For this tut I used the wonderful work of Keith Garvey and you can get Garv's tubes at his own store HERE
(I bought this tube at MPT and using that license.)
You will also need 2 different fonts and mine are PTU and I can't share.
You can go to 1001 Free Fonts and get some free ones HERE
You will also need DBS Flux-Bright Noise.
Oh and let not forget Google!!
Going to need a pagan/wiccan quote or a random quote from Facebook works just as
Open a new page 600x237 and fill with a gradient that matches your tube.
Effect-Distortion Effects-Wave-0,1,16,85,Repeat.
Add your tube as a new layer and add a slight drop shadow.
Type in your quote-convert to raster layer and add a drop shadow.
Add a new layer-selections-contract-10-invert-and add the gradient you used for your main layer and add a drop shadow.
On the border layer adjust-noise-25%-uniform.
Add your copyright and license info.
Lets animate!!
Grab your majik wand and set the tolerance to 15%.
On the wave and click on the middle-Expand-50.
Bright noise-25% and click off your majik wand.
Merge all and paste in your animation shop.
Ctrl Z lets you go back, so lets go back until until the bright noise you added is gone.
Keep the little ants marching and re add the bight noise at 25%.
Select none-merge all-copy and paste before current.
Repeat the last part and re add the bight noise again and select none and merge all.
View your animation, save as and enjoy!!